The Light of Local Leaders in Petit Trou

Place a candle in the center of a well-lit room.

Now place that same candle inside a large, dark space.

Same candle, same flame, but the candle's impact is greater when surrounded by the darkness.

It is true things are difficult in Haiti. There is reason to be discouraged, reason to despair. And it is also true that there is a real opportunity to make a transformational difference right now, thanks to our 35 year partnership with the leaders we support. 

More than 700,000 people have left Port-au-Prince this year, fleeing to rural areas in search of safety, dignity, and opportunity. Local leaders in Petit Trou are stretching to receive them, stretching to help how they can.

Your support is helping our leaders shine in a moment of darkness.

Thank you for believing in their work. Their light is brighter than ever.

Wynn Walent
Executive Director

Updates & NewsWynn Walent