St. Paul’s Campus

Development Project

St. Paul's Students - front of school classrooms

St. Paul's School was founded in Petit Trou in 1989 with the support of Locally Haiti. Since its inception, over 5,000 students (grades PreK through end of high school) have received a quality education at the school. St. Paul’s curriculum covers core academic subjects and offers specialty programs in agriculture, girls’ empowerment, and entrepreneurship. Instruction occurs in Haitian Creole and French, with enrichment courses in English. Learn more about St. Paul’s and our Education Program.

Last year, St. Paul’s students achieved a 100% pass rate on the state exam (high school). The school been named a “School of Excellence” by Haiti’s Ministry of Education.

Current Situation

Over the past two years, approximately one million people have fled the violence of Port-au-Prince for the safety of the countryside. In that time, St. Paul’s School has grown by 50%, with current enrollment at 690 students. As local leaders stretch to help their new neighbors, the school campus is in dire need of improved bathroom facilities and classrooms.

  • There are only four functioning toilets serving 700+ students, staff, and visiting community members. The need is urgent.

  • Three classrooms, currently in use, were donated and constructed by an NGO in Haiti. They are not storm-resistant and are unsafe for long-term use.

St Paul's School Enrollment (2022-2024)
Photo of current provisional classroom building at St. Paul's School

Current provisional classroom building.

Master plan: Long-term solution

Locally Haiti and St. Paul’s have developed a multiphase master plan to effectively address the increasing growth and capacity demands on the school's infrastructure.

Phase 1 Construction, to begin June 2025:

  • High-quality, durable bathroom complex, including flush toilets, handwashing stations and shower facility.

  • Five new classrooms.

Children standing outside of a classroom at St. Paul's School

Example of future classrooms: durable, sustainable facility. Constructed in 2020. Funded by Locally Haiti.

Proven Track record

With 36 years of building partnerships and supporting development in Petit Trou de Nippes, Locally Haiti has established the expertise, connections, and local relationships to successfully build for the long-term in Haiti.

Petit Trou Community Hospital and Health Center

Petit Trou Community Hospital and Health Center, opened February 17, 2025.

Most recently, we designed, funded, and managed construction of the Petit Trou Community Hospital and Health Center. We broke ground on the facility in October 2023 and completed construction in December 2024.

> Learn more about the hospital project, including details from initial planning to opening day.

St. Paul’s Campus Development Project - Phase 1 Budget: $400,000

Phase 1: Bathroom complex and five classrooms to begin June 2025.
*Construction design is being generously provided pro bono by Denver-based architect,
Davis Partnership.

  • $200,000 already pledged!

  • Goal: Raise $200,000 by May 1, 2025.


Your donated gift, of any size, will help us reach our goal and significantly improve St. Paul’s School for the students, teachers and families of Petit Trou. Giving is easy:

  • Prefer to pay by check? Mail to: Locally Haiti, 908 Main Street, Louisville, CO 80027
    *Please specify “St. Paul’s Campus Development” on your check memo.

  • Questions? Contact us at

Group photo of students smiling

History: Campus Development & Infrastructure timeline

2020: Completed construction of a safe and durable building to support PreK-6th grade classes. The new building also offered space for community and club meetings outside of school hours.

2021-2022: Supported construction of a new presbytery, plus a new classroom building to accommodate school expansion of grades 7th-12th and to support administration.

2023: Supported enhanced agricultural infrastructure, including improved fencing and a solar powered irrigation system.

2024 - 2025: Due to a rapid increase in enrollment, caused by families fleeing the humanitarian crisis in Port-au-Prince, began working with the St. Paul’s team and Davis Partnership, a Denver-based architect generously providing construction design pro bono, on a master plan for infrastructure to include additional classrooms and improved bathroom facilities.

  • Phase 1 scheduled to begin in June 2025.



Thank you!

Our programs work because of our long-term relationships in Haiti and because of you. We are honored to steward your gift to its greatest impact and to ensure the ripples created by your support extend to create lasting progress. Thank you for standing with Haiti.