Petit Trou Community Hospital & Health Center
The earthquake of August 14, 2021 caused irreparable damage to the only health center in Petit Trou. In close collaboration with local partners, community leaders, and the Ministry of Health, we’ve completed construction on a new facility that lays the foundation for life-saving advances in community health.
On Monday, Feb 17th the Petit Trou Community Hospital and Health Center officially opened! Click here to see photos - it was a great celebration filled with joy and hope.
Thank you for believing in this project!
Our videos below highlight the background & Progress of this project
Hear exciting updates from Mayor Wilnor Pierre, Dr. Solene Rodrigue, Architect Euvodine Jean, and our director, Wynn Walent about breaking ground on the new hospital!
Learn more about the background of the Petit Trou Community Hospital & Health Center.