locally haiti harvest series

Host an event with us this fall!

We’re excited to announce the Locally Haiti Harvest Series, a collection of intimate events happening this fall to bring together our dedicated supporters here in Colorado. In lieu of our annual Farm Dinner, these small to midsize events will provide a unique, safe space for our community to connect, celebrate our progress and commitment to our partners in Petit Trou, and look to the future together.

If you have a space you would like to share with us for one of these events — whether at a coffee shop, art gallery, private home, church, brewery, or patio — we would love to work with you! Events will take place across the Front Range from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, as well as in the mountains. We’re cautiously optimistic that by late summer we’ll be able to get together responsibly, and we intend to adhere to all necessary precautions and guidelines.


What We’ll Offer:

  • Screening of a Locally Haiti video with updates on our programs and 2021 initiatives. (Optional. A/V to be coordinated with host.)

  • At least one team member or LH ambassador present at the event

  • Light bites & drinks. (Flexible – to be determined with the event host.)

  • Written materials to distribute at the event

  • Fun door prizes!

What You’ll Offer:

  • A space you’d like to donate for the event, accommodating 15-40 people

  • Availability in August, September or October to host a Harvest Series event

  • Excitement and flexibility! We'll work with you to determine the best way to bring our community together in a fun, safe way.


Get in touch!

If you’re interested in hosting a Locally Haiti event this summer or fall, we’d love to hear from you. Please email April at april@locallyhaiti.org or fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon!